Custom MDF cabinet in laundry room, by Leonoor

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Leonoor has made a practical and budget-friendly cabinet custom-made from MDF. In an inconvenient place, next to the washing machine, she has created plenty of storage space for storing towels and detergents. A fun and recognizable DIY project!

Description of Leonoor

The washing machine and dryer are in a small laundry room. I also built a deep cupboard for towels, detergents and buckets, for example. The cabinet makes the space efficient to use in a very economical way!

How I made this project

For the cabinet I chose MDF because it is very easy to use and cheap. The closet is in an awkward location, so convenience was very important! Because the laundry room is in a small space, I first assembled the right side of the closet outside the laundry room. - Screwed the shelves to the right side panel - Then placed the cupboard in the laundry room - Attached the back in the laundry room - Then placed the cupboard along the wall (so that it only had to be pushed back) - Finally, the left side panel was attached - The cupboard pushed back

Dimensions of my DIY project

195.0 x 31.5 x 70.0 cm

My DIY experience

Very nice that I could order everything custom-made, so I didn't have to saw anything! The cupboard was in place in no time!

How next?

Want to make this DIY project? Check out Leonoor's saw list and complete your order easily.

€ 247,97

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